20 hrs agoLiked by Mr Chips

Obviously, offering parents a voucher towards the cost of their children’s education would be a good way of increasing parental choice and expanding the offerings available. To be redeemed in a state school at no extra cost, or a private one at variable extra cost depending on the bells & whistles offered.

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I would go further and say that the long term goal of policy should not be the 100% State provision to which Labour obviously aspires but 100% private.

If you are going to hand out vouchers, which I absolutely support, to deal with the financing side of education why do you need any State “free at the point of provision” schools? Let a thousand flowers bloom, each unique in its own way and free from the hands of ministers, all of which should be potentially available to all through the voucher.

And once we’ve got education under way, let’s tackle health with its own at least 93% monopoly….

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Interesting. Do any countries take this approach?

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