Nothing in your post actually supports your conclusion that the private school tax is unpopular. Do you have *any* data?

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I didn't say it's unpopular. I said it's not particularly popular, not as popular as some people in Labour think, and (with data) not sufficiently popular to be even a vaguely significant motivator for the Labour vote. And the evidence for its popularity is out of date and weak.

the Labour government itself is not particularly popular having received the lowest winning majority since 1920 on the second lowest turnout....since 1920, substantially based on negative motivations (with data).

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The point of the tax is class war so public support is not a relevant consideration with Labour. Building on the Green Belt is the same.

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I think it's a bit more nuanced. Yes, there are those on the hard Left who want this at any, and they mean any, cost.

then there are those who are actually uncomfortable with both the principle and the economics OR who, like most of the population, don't really care. In this group you'll also find many of the new Labour MPs in "never had Labour before" constituencies, where the possibility of stranded kids, school closures and job losses is massively embarrassing. Those groups will be asking "if this policy doesn't happen, will there be an outcry over the broken promises"? The evidence from this poll suggests...not really.

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