The only conclusion we can reach is that the government doesn’t care about the economics. The Labour Party has always hated independent schools and wanted to abolish them but never dared. This is how they intend to get that ball rapidly moving without actually legislating to make private schools illegal.

As Emily Thornberry has said - if larger State school classes are the consequence of this policy then so be it.

They really don’t care.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

Thank you. Another entertaining read. I’ve written to Luke Sibieta suggesting he has a duty to say now he will re-examine the issue after the budget.

We know this gov hates economics so we need to find ways of making their education tax look ridiculous and/or “unfair” to ordinary people.

I was most entertained by those two Manchester scallies Noel and Liam showing the world how economics, through the medium of an auction, neatly solves the problem of touts exploiting artists’ property rights. Now they could and SHOULD have been clearer about what they were going to do. And they most definitely should have owned the decision after the fact. But they’re perfectly within their rights to sell their property for what it is worth. This government’s response? A CMA investigation. For pity’s sake.

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Good point on Oasis. And also, the triviality of it. Like, it really really matters if somebody can't afford to go to Oasis live, in an age where you can listen to them non-stop for pennies using something that capitalism puts in your pocket for a few quid.

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The truly terrifying truth (how’s that for alliteration?): most ‘research’ of this type is just conducted to provide a veneer of ‘truthiness’ or ‘science’ for ideological policy making. I applaud you for trying. But these people are ideologies. The facts will be made to fit the ideology, by hook or by crook.

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I agree. But I take my comfort from (1) Solzhenitsyn. The truth must be told and it's better to tell the truth than resign oneself to falsehood (2) Friedman. In a crisis, the "solution" will come from whatever ideas are lying around, so it's important to ensure truth-based ideas are "lying around prominently".

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How about means testing all the Sir Kier Starmers with kids in State education? Sir K pays nothing to educate his two kids, is a millionaire and earns £400,000 a year. I earn 20% of what Sir K does and have means tested myself to pay for a private school for my daughter. The spend per child in State education is £7500. In private £15,000 per child. The State system needs £60bn £1.6bn is pitiful. Means test Sir Kiers in the State system and have a referendum on it - I am sure pensioners would also have a view on the subject. Sir Kiers shoulders are 5 times broader than mine- how about a policy that impacts Sir K for a change?

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I mean, the cat's out of the bag on means-testing formerly universal benefits...

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Sep 10Liked by Mr Chips

Sir Edward Troupe for Chancellor Thieeves is advocating means testing Pensions. Means testing today the £300 don’t freeze to death for pensioners policy but no policy for super rich Sir Kier who pays nil to educate his kids in State schools. We are living in a dystopian Orwellian fiction where Sir Kier is more equal than others and no policy delivered affects him at all.

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